It is. Mine. I'm in INDIA. It pretty much rocks.
Every birthday (in recent years), I celebrate by making a list of things to do that day, as many things as I am old, and then try to DO them all. And well... as I get older, that list gets (obviously) exponentially longer, sooo... more things to try and do. Because of that, some of them are things like, "get out of bed." Pretty monumental. Another standard one is "make out." That doesn't usually happen.
TODAY, though-- easy! Because, as aforementioned, I'm in INDIA. Everything is special and cool. So I think I actually have more than (--) things (like I'm going to say how old I am, on here) on this year's list. "Make out" was left off, though, because... well, for so many reasons. Like, I could be put in jail.
But I don't have time to do a full blogpost about the list and my Very Special Birthday, because it's 11:15pm and I have more to do from said list tonight, but, ONE of the things on the list was "blog", sooo... here we are! And I can't put up photos from today because I didn't bring a card reader with me (oh yeah I'm at the Marriott in Chennai tonight! Best bday ever!), so here's a stock photo:
Sarah, Amy, and me... two of my partners in crime for our getaway (the third is Dani)... SO MUCH FUN. More to come.
oops gotta go-- being kicked out of the executive lounge--
Slow Start
I slept in until 8:30, which is a big deal for me.
Christian had already started work when I woke up, but the house was
We had stayed up so la...
1 week ago