Wednesday, September 23, 2009

for sam

Sometimes the skies of Rising Star in India were filled with dragonflies.
It simply added to the magic of the place.

(I think this little guy was actually dead, trapped inside our bathroom. Explains why he held so still as I clamored up onto the trough-shaped sink to get a close-up shot. At least he got to see the sky one last time?)


Karly Kimball said...

Jennie! I miss you. Can we be blog buddies now? I finally updated! Thanks :) And I am sorry to hear about your friend passing away... :( but I hope all is well. I miss India soooo much. Love you!

Miriam Oh Painter said...

beautiful pics! dragonflies are beautiful, though i can't help but try to swat to kill when they come near me. i feel bad everytime.