Monday, May 24, 2010

the LOST art of conversation



In the eternal (modified) words of Depeche Mode,
   You know how hard it is for me, to shake, the di-zzy...

-that's what's running through my head today. Because




I was exhausted this weekend to begin with, and have been suffering from gentle bouts of vertigo every time I move my corpse from a non-stationary position... Not my usual, once-every-two-years-or-so MEGA-vertigo, where the room starts spinning like I just got off the Teacups at D-land with an exceptionally strong boy at the unfortunately now-more-stiff-and-no-longer-turns-fast-without-superhuman-effort wheel, and which vertigo lasts for half an hour or more-- no, not that, but just a general heavy wave of dizziness that makes me almost fall down every time I move. Whoops.

And last night's epic finale for LOST didn't help-- it wasn't just long (not the show itself, but when packed with commercials EVERY 7 MINUTES, that was out of control! and then of course I had to watch the News' and Jimmy Kimmel's coverage of it, afterward), not only that, but it was so poignant, powerful and emotional that I am SPENT.

But that's not the point of this post-- maybe I'll get to my inner thoughts on LOST  someday (too difficult right now-- might start crying, it's too soon-- TOO SOON!), can't promise anything though, seeing my recent track record with getting my posts completed, in the meantime you might want to read my friend Sam's moving take on it, -- nope, here's another reason why the finale was so great to me--

I didn't watch it alone! I thought I was going to have to--people I'd normally watch it with were all MIA, as my oldest brother is in Italy on vacay, second-oldest is in Utah, youngest is in the MTC, Sam's on the East Coast, and various other mega-fan friends were all out of town or had just gotten back into town and too tired, etc to view live. WHAT??? I was distraught all last week. How could I watch this, the biggest 2.5 hours of television finale and commercials of perhaps MY LIFE, alone?? It's not that I need company-- I get lost in LOST, har har-- but I needed to have someone to turn to, to freak out and say "WHAT?? WHAT WAS THAT! DID YOU SEE THAT?!" and also "Dude, totally called that." (Said smugly).

But, thanks to the Miracle of Facebook, my nephew (son of said oldest brother) Tanner found out that we were both in the same Boat of Aloneness (and Potential Distress), and on Sunday afternoon we decided to video-gchat it up during the finale. And I mean the WHOLE finale. And




Go technology! I was lying on the couch with my PC laptop (not my Powerbook, it's too old to stream the new-fangled video very well) on a stool to the left of me, webcam trained on my face... Tanner had his underneath the TV... so we could see and wave to each other at any time. We'd just hit Mute during the show, and the second the commercials came on we'd un-mute and say "WHAT?? WHAT WAS THAT? DID YOU SEE THAT?" and of course I called a lot of it. Of course. Oh yeah, and we had puh-lenty of opportunities to discuss what was happening, because did I mention that the commercials came on every 7 minutes?? They did.

(awesome face by Tanner)
But sooo fun to watch it with my nephew like that-- his sister (seen far above) lasted for about five minutes, she's NOT a Mega-Fan-- so it was me and T-Bear the whole way. And when his dad called from Italy after it was over (did you know LOST was aired simultaneously in 59 countries?? He had to watch it at 6am-!), Tanner set the phone down by his computer and Allen and I could hear each other and talk (and review) that way! And Tanner and I could make faces at each other and pretend to pick our noses the whole while. Seriously, Technology? You are the Wind Beneath My Wings.  

Oh, and also-- during the show, when I was feeling the extent of the garlic I'd put into the bruschetta I'd made that night, and decided I needed to eat some ice cream... Tanner and I had a little dessert together, too. And a little whooop.



Megan said...

Your dizziness sounds like me when I have a massive sinus infection (which you know is like 2 in 3 months... even after sinus surgery). Hope that gets better!

Glad you had a lostie buddy. Everyone needs one!

The Dragonfly said...

The series finale is staying on my dvr until you come in November. We will watch that and the entire Twilight series (to that point) together. It will be awesome!