Sunday, August 22, 2010

back from the future

It's like time isn't a straight line, but one eternal round. Huh. Where have I heard that before...

I seriously feel like I'm in a time warp. Not only that, I'm in a time warp AGAIN. Not per the Rocky Horror Picture Show, but in that I feel like I'm in a big deja vu, all over again. Which is like deja vu deja vu. Speaking of, I sure wish I knew how to type an 'e' with an accent mark over it, and an 'a' with the same but facing backwards. Maybe I'll learn how to do it by the next time I relive what I'm reliving right now.

So here's why the time warp:

1. About to deal with coming back and adjusting to being home after being in India... again. Third time in a year. I'm all confused.

2. Time stands still in India in many ways. Strange to be re-entering the modern world.

3. Right now I'm in Hong Kong, at this moment doing the same things I did 10 weeks ago when I was here on my way TO India. Including posting a photo of clouds on my blog, again, that I had taken out the airplane window right before landing, again.

4. The 80's are back. And yet they're not. It's like the time-space continuum is all wrong.

(I wish I could have had a Rubik's Cube t-shirt showing me how to solve it... 
I never gained cool status in the 80's because I couldn't)

But MOST importantly-- not only is everything coming full-circle, but...

As I type this, it's 10:44 pm on Sunday evening. I will be leaving Hong Kong at 11:40pm Sunday, and arriving back home at 10:00pm Sunday. In other words, I will be traveling BACK IN TIME. The entire 13+ hours on that plane, I will every-so-slowly be regaining 100 minutes of my life. DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS??

(new list)

1. I have found a much easier way to travel through time than purchasing plutonium from terrorists and dealing with quantity profusions like "gigawatts".

2. I can make all sorts of mistakes, and sin n' stuff, and it will have never really happened. I'll be re-doing those 100 minutes while on the plane, after all, and it's a pretty safe zone there-- I'm generally a good person while on a plane, so happy to be there that I'm not thinking mean thoughts or the like. At least when in business class, that is; in economy I'd probably want to punch the 10-year-old repeatedly kicking the seat and lowering and raising the tray table behind me, causing me to wake up from an over-tired sleep every two minutes. But tonight: business class = all things happy and light.

3. Can't wait to get off the plane and see how much younger I look! I should probably take before-and-after photos.

4. I am definitely going to have the upper hand on everybody, because I'll already know what's going to happen. At least for an hour-and-forty-minute window of time.

Don't be freaked out, I'm not going to suddenly be robotic or anything. But if you want to talk to someone from the future, you'd better be awake on "your" Sunday night. OH it's going to be so boring, having to re-live the same minutes again. I wish it could be some of the earlier minutes of my today, they were pretty great.

(case and point)

Well, I'm about to get on that plane and take the same journey as Lois Lane, Marty McFly, Phil of the Future and just about every other really cool person in history. I shall join them in the annals of time. So to speak.

I'm off!

see you soon! Again, so to speak. Back in the U S of A!!!


aaron&yuka said...

No matter what time it is- I'm so glad you are back! A and I have missed you. If you hold down option and press e and accent mark appears, hit e again and you have an accented é :)

The Dragonfly said...

As if there weren't reasons enough to love you, this post just sealed the deal becuase you are so funny it hurts my stomach! I miss you! I want to hear more about India and you and school and life.

ps. Did I already say I miss you?