Wednesday, August 27, 2008

under pressure... dun dun dun de-de-dun dun...

so, I LUCKILY just checked my blog comments and even more fortunately had already planned to put up a new post (my fourth! whew!) tonight, because I just read that my good friends Sam and Shar have added me to their blogrolls... if that means what I think it means (I am pretty slow on this blogging thing, after all... don't know what sort of lingo The Kids are using these days)... I am potentially going to see a huuuge upswing in the amount of visitors to Doezieland! Torrential, even. I'm thinking enough to start selling ad space on this baby or maybe even go public, you know, help the stock market out a bit. So, I'd better pick up the pace and try to do more than a quarterly entry.

Actually, I have a lot planned. I've just been BUSY... real real busy... and got distracted the last couple of weeks by the Olympics and watching little Fievel Mousekewitz do her amazing feats. That little Shawn is so cute, I just want her to stay the sweet 10-year-old she is forever and ever, none of that doing-her-bangs-and-makeup-for-interviews stuff. Or that trying-to-reach-the-ground with her toes when she's sitting on the couch, it's much cuter when her legs swing. Why can't I have a 4-foot-8 Olympiad daughter to be proud of?

And there's a lot more where that came from.  See next post (not for the "lot more", but for the description of what's to come... )

And seriously?? Oh to be a stay-at-home mom, with the time to really blog... (bring on the comments for THAT comment--! :)

RETRACTION, 24 hours later: Apparently, the mouse above is Bernard from the Rescuers, not Fievel. Stupid Google Image search. Well, little Shawn looks like both then, or really any cartoon mouse save the Mickey (but that's a good thing)


mrs. said...

um, sister green here. I tooootally thought the same thing about little Fievel Johnson. and can I just say that Olympics + DVR = pure joy. thank you.

The Dragonfly said...

seriously! Travis and I called her Fievel the entire Olympics, so I'm busting up right now! Especially when you put up the side by side pics . . . too funny!

Glad you're back. I need some of the Jennie in my life right now to make me smile - and I don't know how, but you do it. EVERY TIME.

annie said...

It's true. As a SAHM (as I've seen others call themselves online) I sit around and do nothing but blog, think about blogging, take pictures to blog. It's all true. :o) Seriously.

Oh and that is NOT Fievel... that's the mouse from The Rescuers, duh! Poor thing has to look like a mouse for her whole life... and what's with the insanely different eyebrows??!! Eeeek! :o)

Anderson Zoo Keepers said...

Actually Doezie, I blog - then I eat my bon-bons, then I watch my soaps. ☺
Hee Hee

Are you kidding? I've hit that nutty "Soccer Mom" stage where you are supposed to be 10 places at once. What IS that?? I think I'm going to go back to work so I can quit the PTA.