Monday, October 6, 2008

best women's conference EVER!

LOVE Conference Weekend. Love watching/listening to Conference, and (secularly) love it when the men go off to Priesthood Session and the women eat fondue!

Saturday evening we had a Girls Just Wanna Have Fundue night-- dipped bread and vegetables into three different kinds of cheese fondue (I have a new cheese baby in my stomach) for the first course, and then dipped waaaayyy too many things into the chocolate fondue for the dessert course as we watched the CLASSIC 80's dance movie, Girls Just Want to Have Fun. Actually, I take that back-- we had to STOP the movie to eat the chocolate fondue, it was a madhouse. No shame, here. That's why I love my girl friends :)

It's just amazing that we were unable to finish all the dessert dip options...

Even with the second-to-youngest Girl in attendance helping us out...

...and others resorting to dipping into spilled fondue because the chocolate was in such high demand.

The BEST part of the evening, though, was the second exhibit of No Shame by my fantastic friends, as they took part in our annual Midnight Naked Swim (to commemorate the end of summer)... Hilarious! Special props to you first-timers who had no fear of throwing off your towel and jumping into a dark, cold pool. I think we laughed enough to work off at least one ounce of the Gruyere, and burned off two dips of chocolate just trying to stay warm.

I FULLY recommend!

(faces of participants
have been blacked out for anonymity... they can tell you
themselves who they are. :) And there are no existing
photos of us IN the pool, duh--)


annie said...

I know that pink robed beauty!! No black square is gonna hide her! HAHA... you guys are HILARIOUS!

Erica said...

Seriously, such a fun time!! Do you realize we were all there for 5whole hours? Can we do it again next weekend??

Natalie Petersen said...

I am pretty sure everyone wants to lick chocolate off of my face. I am sooo pretty! Best night ever.

Miriam Oh Painter said...

nicely done girls!

Stacy said...

Seriously, best naked swim ever!!! Ummm...not that I have ever done it.

Laney said...

That picture with Erica and the longest cheese string ever is awesome. Hilarious that you blacked out the faces on the pic!

Really too bad I missed that naked swim. Dang. Darn. Shucks. I'm SOOOPER sad.

Diane said...

Such a fun night!