Wednesday, December 30, 2009

see jane act

So, I watched New Moon yesterday for the sixth time. Just as good as the first five times, except that I was fighting sleep the whole two hours (curse you, Belated Jet Lag) and failed to bring a blanket into the theater as per my usual practice, so I was uncomfortably cold the whole time. Much like Bella probably is when snuggled up to an icy marble Edward chest. Except without any snuggling on my part. Sigh.

Once again, though, for the sixth time, I was blown away by Dakota Fanning's performance as Jane, the dangerously-talented youngest female vampire of the Volturri gang.

There is no doubt in my mind as to why Miss Fanning was part of the main publicity/talk show circuit cast for the New Moon debut, and also given what might seem to be disproportionately high billing. The way she delivered those 22 words... I know I couldn't have done it. I wonder if she memorized the lines, too.

Here they are, so you can re-live the drama...


"Aro sent me to see what was taking so long."

"Go ahead."

"For dessert."



"This might hurt a little."

("Pain" is my personal favorite. Gives me chills every time!) 

Seriously?? OSCAR-WORTHY.  Especially when you consider that there were only 14 Jane-words to go off of, in the book... she really had to dig deep to establish that depth of character. Masterful. I think I shall have to go see it a seventh time.


The Dragonfly said...

HA! I thought it was just me! But seriously, in the history of moviemaking, has there ever been a more hyped and disappointing performance? I like D.Fanning and all, but she didn't steal the show like I was expecting her to. That role was filled by none other than Michael Sheen as ARO! :)

Laney said...

I'm honestly surprised you're only on your 6th time. Kind of disappointing, really. And you call yourself a Twilight fan...

Maybe Dakota has a bigger role in the next movie?? Maybe this was just a little appetizer for you. A warm up.

stanky said...

i saw it once. would have gone more but the military base movie schedules are kind of screwy. at least they're only $3. i enjoyed jane. but i do think her performance might have been diminished by the pre-pubescent chest of edward. couldn't he have worked out even a little?? or maybe they could have put him in something a wee bit more modest?? something to keep the fantasy alive. the open-chested robe kind of blew his image a little for me. just a little. wish i was at the homestead to watch movies over and over with you.